Primary Yearbook FAQS
Producing a yearbook can be a daunting experience if you've never done it before. Fortunately for Wave Ed customers we offer a wealth of support and advice in a range of formats. In order to provide you with the answers you need as quickly as possible, we have gathered solutions to our most common queries on this page. It will be updated regularly to reflect the most relevant information you require.
Click on the questions below to view the answers.
- How much do the Primary Yearbooks cost?
We have a fixed price pack for primary yearbooks of £10 per book, this is inclusive of all costs. Yearbooks are 0% rated for VAT. The minimum order quantity is 40 books.
- We would like to order Primary Yearbooks with Wave-Ed, what’s the next step?
Please get in touch with us to let us know in the first instance, if you have already been in contact with us you can talk to whoever you have spoken to, if you aren't sure please email Our preferred method of co-ordinating the yearbook content is via Google Drive, to create your Drive account visit Once you have done this please let us know and we will share the tools that will help you to collect your content.
- What is Google Drive and how do I use it?
Google Drive is an online file storage system which allows us to work collaboratively on the project.
- How long does it take to produce the yearbook?
The typical timeline, from notification of handover of your complete yearbook content, is as follows.
- Collecting the content can take anything from a couple of days to several weeks depending on your circumstances.
- The inital design process will take up to seven working days.
- We will email you the artwork as a PDF proof, so you can check for any errors and make minor changes. Checking, amending and re-proofing typically takes five to ten working days.
Once we have received written approval, production will take up to 10 working days. Please note that at busy times, such as June and July, artwork and production may take longer.
How many pages does a Primary Yearbook include?
Our standard primary yearbook package includes:
- One page for headteacher
- One page for each Year 6 class teacher
- Four pupils per page, the page count will depend on how many children will feature.
- Up to 12 feature pages, comprising your choice of the following options;
- Photo montages (maximum of 12 images per page)
- Awards
- ‘Back in the day’
- ‘News of our time’
- Remember, Remember
- Group Picture
- Autographs
The page count must end on an even number.
- What size and format are the Primary Yearbooks?
The primary yearbooks are A5 landscape softback (paperback) format.
- We would like to edit the contents of Back in the Day and News of our Time, what should we do?
If you have any particular content you would like to add for this, please enter the details in the Google Drive folder named ‘6 Features’.
- Who does the design work?
We do the design work for you, all we ask is that you supply the content electronically in the requested formats.
- When do you require payment?
Payment is due once you have uploaded the content to Google Drive and asked us to make a start. There’s a form named ‘Yearbook Order Details’ on Drive which will ask for a quantity and your details. When we make a start on the artwork, we will email you the pro-forma invoice. Payment details are on the the invoice.
- Are there any particular requirements relating to the photos?
We would like the photos to be supplied as high resolution electronic files. The school logo, please supply as high resolution or an editable vector graphic. There’s no need to crop images, we can do this for you. Please don’t embed photos in documents (such as Word) as this affects the quality, we require the individual image files. If you have any images that appear pixelated or small in size, this is how it will print in the yearbook.
- We only have photos as hard copies, what should we do?
Please scan these in at 300dpi and save as JPEGs.
- Do I need to check on copyright of the school photos.
Yes please, some photography companies impose a small charge to print any photos they’ve produced. If you are planning to use the school portraits please ask the school who owns the copyright on any pupil shots and group photos. You may have to pay an additional fee the photography company impose, usually around £60-70. Often it is easier (and nicer) to re-take your own portrait photos, there is a helpful guide on our blog.
- We have a few custom requirements, where should we put this info?
In order to keep the cost down the scope for custom content is limited. You can customise certain aspects of the design layout, in your Google Drive folder you will find a document named ‘Primary Yearbook Design Details’ please enter your requirements in there.
- Can we have a custom designed yearbook?
Yes of course, we can customise the design at an additional cost of £3 per yearbook as long as the structure and page count stays the same as the standard Primary Yearbook. If you require further changes or additional pages please contact us for a quote.